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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

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Matt “Gilligan” Koles Reports on 11.8.2017

Went from fall into feeling like winter here on the Truckee River.

Mostly wind here in the Hirsch the last few days, little rain, and cold temps. I think the summit got about a foot of snow. If we get any significant snows before Thanksgiving, we’re doing good. I was hoping the river would come up a bit and kinda mix things up, but the she’s still about the same.

We have brown trout that are either spawning, post spawn, or haven’t spawned at all yet. We finally got some good streamer weather this weekend and it was like 40 mph winds, making it tough too fish. Kind of a transition time for all trout on the Truckee River. Right now, I still think you have to fish a lot of different types of water to find the fish. It’s not yet winter, and not summer. Give it a few more weeks and all trouts should transition into their winter type holding water.

For now I’d get after it with the streamer and see what kind of big fish you can move around. It’s about that time of year when sometimes we just only fish streamers on guide trips and do pretty well. Of course nymphing will work and you may see some heads eating beatis especially if you have some overcast. Flows are about 320 cfs here, and about 100 cfs higher down on the Nevada side. Pretty good for almost winter and no big rains yet.

I have a few spots left for the Streamer Clinic on the 18th.

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