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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

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Matt Koles, Gilligan’s Guide Service

What a difference a week has made. Last week it was doom and gloom. Trout were going to die, the Truckee River will dry up, etc., etc. I bought into some of the hysteria too, lost some sleep, drank a few to many. Remember, one day at a time. This week is a little different. We are still holding steady in the Hirsch at 200 cfs. Nevada is a different story. Flows are much lower down there, but with this weeks rain, they’ll pull through. Yes, it has either rained, or been overcast all week here. They’ve also pulled water out of the diversion ditches in Reno allowing for flows to come back into the river. Some spots on the Truckee River are fine with good flows, and some are pretty meager. There’s now 30 cfs coming out of Boca. Last week they ceased flows completely out of Boca, that’s what got us into this mess. For now, we still have some water, I’m still guiding the Truckee River. I have some other spots around Tahoe too that are real gems, and I cannot blog about them, or they wouldn’t be real gems. First rule of Fight Club, you know. You can see what I’ve been up to here.

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