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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

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Matt Koles, Gilligan’s Guide Service


I guess it’s spring here on out. Summer will come early this year. Get your fishing in on the Truckee River now until July.

I do not know when the flows will go down on the Truckee this year, but they are dumping a lot of water out of Boca right now.

Right now the fishing is superb for early April. Fish are spread out and you can just about find them in any type water. March browns are on the scene in the afternoons along with bwos and some skwala stones. Like I’ve been saying, the water is still cold and catch rates are still relatively low. Rainbows are off their spawning beds and are out on the hunt looking for food again. Flows through the Hirsch are right around 500 cfs, very very fishy flows. Get the switch rod out and swing some streamers, or tight line nymph, or indo’s. However you like to fish. It’s all good right now.


Matt Heron, Matt Heron Fly Fishing

It’s been a quite a while since our last report. We’ve had an amazingly busy spring on the river this year and the fishing has been outstanding with the best yet to come.

Colder nights and cooler days have kept water temps in check for most of the last week and our fish are responding to excellent bug activity. On top of temps, our flows are still going strong and in great shape.

There are still a few skwala stones around and you might want to try fishing their nymphs as an attractor. If you’re lucky enough to fish the Truckee on a cloudy/rainy/snowy day get ready for some beatis. Our blue wings have been out in full force on the crappy days and hit or miss the sunny ones. Most fish we’ve been getting into have been on sz. 18 nymphs and emergers.

Although classic winter conditions have passed the fish are also still eating midges daily. Throw a combination of sz 18-22 larve and pupa and you should do well. Try trailing them behind something big under and indicator.

Boca is dumping a bunch of water into the Truckee and has given the water that classic ‘greenish’ tint to it. These flows can be ideal for streamers. Give it a try, it’s always worth a shot.

As booked as this spring has been, we’ve always got guide ready to get you on the water. Shoot us a call and fish one of the best seasons on the Truckee.

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