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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

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Matt Gilligan Koles Reports on 6.15.2016

Flows are still a bit high down here on the lower stuff on the Truckee River. The upper river is real good to go, but we are still a few weeks off down lower on the river below Hirschdale. Good news is the bugs have showed up.

Everyone kinda waits for the green drake hatch, and yes they are out. You will see some flying around mid day, but going out late in the evening is the key to get those big fish on top. Pale morning duns, yes, caddis yes too, and little yellow stones as well. We do get some golden stones, not a big hatch, and they should be here shortly. It just kinda all happened overnight. You may get some fish on top if you’re lucky, but nymphing with the above will be the ticket, unless, like the drakes, you go out in the evenings. The evening dry fly fishing can actually be pretty good this time of year. You can blind fish a dry all day this time of year and fish will pop on them occasionally.

So yeah, still kinda waiting for flows to come down a bit around the Hirsch here. Just above 650 cfs and real close to the river being really, really good. Than the middle slots will open up, and fish move into the pocket water when the water warms.

Go get some of my G-6 caddis. Put that thing on any rig-anywhere on the river. It will crush them for the next few months.

It’s like a typical June right now, high water, big bugs coming off, and big fish when you get them. Just a great time to come up and fish the river.

Should be good all damn summer on the Truckee River.

The Little Truckee River is real good too right now. Flows have dropped a bit out there as well and it is also about to explode with bugs.

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