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Putah Fly Fishing Report

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Richard Loft Reports on 11.1.2016

Hey everyone here is my report for Putah Creek 9/16 > on to end of October.  I fished much of the creek less visited most of the year. Flows where very low but if you know where to look you can find water rarely fished due to much higher flows through out the year and that made for some very interesting and productive fishing. Also I have started finding some really great fish- 4 or 5 weeks ago I hooked and landed two fish on a wd-40 and two-bit hooker; also don’t forget to offer up some smaller flys if nothing else is working– its surprising how fast you can get takes after fishing a particular run with the usual fly and get stumped until you offer a #20 or #22 and get slammed and caught off-guard with a fish you never got a chance to even get your eyes on.  Its been a month or more since I’ve posted a Putah Report and I going on my best memory but she has still producing even with the rain and low flows she produces good fish counts it just takes time.

The one thing I belive is overlooked far too often is Leader Construction. What I mean about that is mainly the distance between the indi to weight- if that’s wrong, all bets are off it doesn’t matter if you have the right flys or not your going to miss the mark by not seeing the take if your too long or in the case of too short you won’t get a take on a fish because the fly is not on the bottom.

If this doesn’t make sense don’t worry keep fishing and thinking about why you’re not catching the fish you see and hear of others doing. Once you wrap your head around some of this it starts happening pretty fast you’ll be on the water and hook and land fish only heard of in your dreams out there. But don’t take my word for it!  Spend more time fishing or better yet give me a call and book a date for this month, the Yuba this Winter or Putah again starting in March.

Recommended Flys
Flashback PT #18 ,16 ,14
Soft Hackles- I like the emerging ones I’ve done very well with them
Mayfly patterns
Flashback wd/40s #18/20

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