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Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report

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Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters


Sunshine and water, the ultimate prescription to a long life and happiness has been the norm on the Lower Yuba River as of late. Water conditions are very clear and low and the flows dropped down to 667 cubes last night, with Deer creek only adding a wimpy 12 cfs. Fishing pressure has been thick in certain areas, but there is still so much water one can fish without pressure, and those in the mix know that 10% catch of the anglers 90% of the fish.
The Yuba is going off right now, and hatches have been insane! March browns, skwalas, PMD’s, Pinkies, and Gray Drakes from about 10am to 3pm. Late in the day a Skwala dry with a dropper has been super effective. Banner year for the Golden stone fly that is emerging a full month ahead of schedule, the most I’ve seen on this river ever. Bring your Yellow #8 stimis, and keep your head on a swivel for active rising fish no matter the species of aquatic insect involved.
There is so many new wild steelhead and resident wild trout spawning in the Lower Yuba right now. Please walk and anglers, look out where you step, your wading actions could crush new steelhead and also resident wild trout fry and eggs that lay in the fine cobble. Avoid clean fine gravel depressions in tail outs while wading.


Flies; sub surface, Hogans S&M in dark olive #16 & #18, Military Mays (same color and size), Worms in red and natural, and try swinging a BH  Hare’s Ear in a size 12 to copy the emerging Gray Drake. Dries; PMD & March Brown Sparkle Comparaduns. Skwala patterns are still very effective and the bugs have been out in good force. When other anglers tell me they have not seen any skwalas I question their game. I see so many of them as do my guests. Maybe stop and sit in one location for half an hour and just….observe and learn. It’s that simple. They have been thick the last two weeks, late afternoon presentations are best. Get out there and explore, escape, and lose yourself in the wild trout fishery of the Lower Yuba. It’s our water to enjoy.



Dave Barbieri, Dave Barbieri Guide Service


Dry fly fishing is excellent! We didn’t even set up a nymph rod the last two days. Fish are getting selective so you have to get perfect drifts, and be right on the hookset, but what a blast! Still getting fish on the Skwala, but having more success on March Browns and PMDs. Flows just dropped last night, from 735 down to 660. That isn’t normally a huge drop, but with flows already low, it might be enough to put fish off until they stabilize, we will have to wait and see. 


Jordan Romney, Jordan Romney Fly Fishing


The Yuba has been really good to me lately.  With the warm weather the March Brown hatch has been incredible.  This is the best dry fly fishing out there that I can remember.  The Yuba rainbows are looking up right now and if you have the time you need to be out there.  You will not find a harder fighting 14” fish anywhere.  

The fish will still look up and eat a skwala and we have been able to nymph up a few fish early in the day before the hatches start.  They seemed to be keyed on a March Brown Crippler when the hatch is on, I also trail that with a March Brown soft hackle below the dry and both get eaten equally.

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