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Lower Sac and Trinity Report

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Ryan Johnston Reports on 12.8.2016

This last week I have been bouncing my fishing venues around quite a bit from trout, to steelhead, to bass. It has been a fun week of switching out rods and techniques to put my clients into fish.

The Lower Sac trout fishing continues to be average for this time of year. The upper stretches near Sundial are starting to see less pressure and more people are now going further down river to Bonnyview and Anderson. We are still hooking about 25-30 rainbows a day so if you are looking for a spot to tug on some fish then this is going to be your best bet. Most of the fish we are now catching are coming up on small baetis nypmhs as the fish get into their winter holding patterns.

After the Sac last week I spent a day doing some trout and bass fishing on Luk Lake. Luk was planted with trout on November 15th and those fish are still grouped up thick. It has been a great place to take some Cast Hope kids to get their rods bent close to home. This is a great resource managed by the Fly Shop and is 2 hours away from the Bay Area.

Lastly I sent the weekend on the Trinity River guiding for the 3rd annual Cast Hope Steelhead Tournament. I spent Fri/Sat guiding my dad and a good friend. With the tough reports we made sure to keep our expectations low. Right now it seems like most guides are hooking 1-3 adult steelhead per day. If you hook more than that you are doing great! Out of the 11 guides we had for 3 days the average was right in that neighborhood. Top guide each day hooked 5 adults and there were a few that got blanked each day. I personally was 2 for 2 on Friday and 4 for 4 on Saturday. The great news is that the fish quality is really high this year. So there were quite a few 28-30" fish landed. Your normal stoneflys, mayflies, and beads did most of the damage.

If you are looking to get out on the water over the next few weeks here are my openings -

December 12, 16, 19-23, 31

January 2-6, 9-12, 16, 19-21

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