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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report

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Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Fishing conditions the last two weeks have stalled with colder weather, rain, snow squalls, and cloud cover. Angler catch rates have been low, but this will all be changing in the weeks to come with warmer temperatures and plenty of sunshine on the way. Water temperatures are slowly climbing out of the low 50’s, and with it more feeding activity from those large rainbows. Aquatic insect activity is increasing as well; mornings to high noon have many Blood Midges hatching along with several smaller midge flies on the surface. Damsel nymphs are starting to migrate to the shore line to hatch in very small numbers, look for this legendary hatch to increase in the weeks to come as the Damsel fly loves warmer water and air temperatures. Productive rigs have been presentations in the upper water column with a floating line and long leaders, and indicator set ups targeting water depths from 8 to 4 feet down. If you’re using a personal water craft like a pontoon boat or a float tube, fishing with an intermediate line is best. Cover water and when you start hooking up, stay put until the action wanes, and then move on to another location. The fish are starting to rise closer to shore, which tells me more aquatic insects like Damsel nymphs are becoming more active. With that being said, fishing off the shore line is picking up, and with lower water levels it provides more structure for the bank angler to work with.
Effective flies have been Blood Midge pupa, emergers, and adults. Other must have flies include Albino Winos, pheasant tail flash backs, Damsel nymphs in brown and brown olive. Attractor flies with lots of movement incorporated in them are fishing well, these include Jay Fair Wiggle Tails, leech patterns, and small wooly buggers. Look for conditions to improve on a daily basis as we enter the month of June which is typically one of the best months at Lake Davis.

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