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Coastal Fly Fishing Report

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Lost Coast Outfitters reports on 3.23.17


The coast dropped in nicely this weekend and the LCO crew got after it before (and during) the monsoons came. After a disappointing steelhead season, this was our last hope to get some steel before the end of the season and this time we did it right. 

Ben, our resident artist and Atlantic Salmon fly tier popped his steelhead cherry with a couple nice fish and became addicted to the two-hander. Brett and Oscar managed to stick a couple fish on the swing as well, making for quite a successful weekend. 

Most everything coastal blew out on Monday with the latest storm, and as we close in on the end of the season the bigger, dirtier systems, i.e.-the Eel, Mad, Russian, etc. may not come back in before the end of the month (but you never know. Keep glued to the flow graphs). If you need to get your last snap-t’s of the season watch the graphs for smaller systems like the Gualala Garcia, Navarro or your favorite North Coast secret. These smaller waters are already dropping into shape and you should have a another shot before the 31st if you can drop everything and jump in the car.

The high water season wasn’t so good for anglers but the steelfish are happy with big flows. More spawning habitat becomes accessible, silt scours out and they get to swim in cold water without nets and hooks. Hopefully this season will produce some happy, chompy, returning adults in a few years.


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