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California Klamath Fly Fishing Report

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Brandon Worthington reports on 5.3.18

Cal Klamath 

We have been swinging flies on the Klamath recently with good success as we look forward to some dry fly action in the coming months. We rarely see other anglers this time of year and enjoy the sound of running water, birds chirping and the quiet solitude. In spring, the fish are typically a mixture of small adult, half-pounder and juvenile steelhead. Bright and energetic, they typically jump multiple times after wrenching grabs. We use drift boats to access the best runs, typically stepping out of the boat to wade the finest runs and glides. For those so inclined, some runs can also be swung from the bow of an anchored boat.

Flows on the river have dropped to an ideal 1680cfs after a planned 6,000 cfs springtime flushing flow and the watercolor is also near perfect with two to three feet of visibility. Water temps are in the mid fifties, and though our best recent success has been with sinking lines, fishing dry lines in the coming weeks will exponentially improve.

Dry line fishing typically peaks in late May and early June when the Salmonfly hatch is in full flight. This is the time of year to bring your light rods out of the closet, string up your scandi lines and enjoy the action!
Fishing dry flies here, both with single and two handers coincides with the Salmonfly hatch which typically gets going towards the end of May. Providing water temps remain relatively cool fishing runs into Independence day. Just drop us a line to schedule your trip and enjoy some solitude, sunshine and spring fly fishing!

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