Russian River, Yuba, and American Shad
Shad are in! We have reports for the following rivers:
Russian River
Just came into shape, but then the recent rains and upcoming rains will likely affect the clarity.
American River
A good number of shad and stripers being reported on the American River. She is flowing at 9k fishing from the bank though.
Yuba River
High and Flowing steady at 6660 CFS. They plan to drop the river to 5k next week if you believe the river forecast. Yuba River Dam Release Schedule 5/14:
Short-term Forecast
Englebright Reservoir is expected to continue spilling until June. It is anticipated that total releases from Englebright Reservoir will range between 7,000 cfs, and 5,000 cfs for the next week. Flows in the lower Yuba River are managed to comply with license and flow requirements. Flows can change swiftly and suddenly, so be prepared when recreating on the lower Yuba River or avoid the river for your safety.
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