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August 18th Fly Fishing Report

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August 18th Fly Fishing Report

In the last 2 months I have managed to catch my 2 best striper on Ocean Beach! 

The LCO team has been fishing like maniacs. Infact, on Sunday the entire team was fishing. I was on the Trinity, Jose and Brett were on the bay, Owen was in Idaho trout fishing, and Jake was on Stinson. It's pretty rad how much our team gets out to fish!

Striper fishing has been good! Jose and Brett went out with Captain Gregg Holand on the bay and caught some nice fish in the usual spots Red Rock and Angel Island. The delta fished well for me last week, but it's been really windy out west, Sherm and I casted in 25 MPH winds with 3/0 adachi rattle clousers and found a few quality fish up to maybe 10lbs.

The birds have been all over Ocean Beach and I found a couple of fish early in the week and then a few skunk days to remind me its Ocean Beach. Rising morning tides this week so thats cool!

A great time to be thinking about chrisy feild. 

Saturday/Sunday Trinity River to skate some dries with Tom Mahan at Swingwater guide service. Fish were starting to show up! I boiled a few in the evening. The recent rains should do well to get the fish moving around! Tom was fired up and great guide if you are looking to swing flies on the Trinity River. 

I managed to head back for a few days of work then spent a day with Capt. Ben Thompson on the Sac fishing for striper. A similar story to the delta we fished hard looking for the grande's. We caught some quality fish up to maybe 8 or 9lbs. Ben is an excellent capatian and I highly reccomend booking in on the Sac, Yuba, or Feather for striper or trout. 

Owen hopped on the airplane and touched down in ID for a trout trip with some of his college buddies fishing the Teton and South Fork Snake. 


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