Upper Sacramento Fly Fishing Report
Upper Sacramento River
Locally the Upper Sacramento River has been running high but continues to drop with the gauge today showing 1200cfs. Personally I love this big water this time of year.

The opportunity is out there for hooking up with one of the fiesty lake run rainbows which I like to refer to as freshwater steelies …. they fight like and look like steelhead, probably descendents from steelhead locked in the river when Shasta Dam was built. They generally spawn in March and go back to their “ocean” at the lake to begin their migration back up into the river late summer into winter. This last week has presented perfect conditions and success for the few who are venturing out. Shown below is a nice 22in. chromer I got into a few days ago. Figure on throwing nymphs for now until we get warmer weather and get the lead on, lots of it. Also, I suggest using legs and your favorite nymph dangled from it … oh and 2x and 3x tippet!! Give me a shout if chasing these guys interest you.
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