Truckee River Fly Fishing Report
Matthew Koles reports on 4.5.18
Big spring flows on the Truckee River.
About 2,300 cfs here in the Hirsch. Lots of water getting dumped out of Lake Tahoe. We all know how good the fishing was last spring in the high flows. Kinda your chance to hook those trophy trouts.
Weathers have been nice, looks like rain this weekend, look for a big bump in flows.
Anywhere you can find slack water you should find some fish. Streamers and nymphs. Forget about your little dry flies and your little zebra nymphs. Give them big trout something they want and can see. Streamers and attractor nymphs work well in these conditions. Sculpins, crayfish, worms, eggs, stones, and all the old school attractors- princes, copper johns, you name it.
I’m excepting the water to stay up most of this spring, especially if it’s a wet one. Not like last year when we were fishing at like 6,000 cfs. 2,300 is big, but it’s nowhere near last year. The fish on the Truckee River are fat and healthy. We’ll see what we can pull out the next few months.
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