Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Truckee River
Kinda rolling right into summer on the Truckee River.
Flows were slowly coming down. That opened up a lot more fishable water down the entire river. It was about 1,700 k here in the Hirsch. High, but a lot more user friendly than 4000 k. 2000 k here this morning. Up a bit again.
I would bet on an average snow year flows right now would be, 600-800 cfs. So we still gotta ways to go, but we ain’t that far off. Give it about 2-3 weeks. Good wading flows are like 300-600 cfs. That opens up the whole river.
Lots of bugs flying about. You may get lucky and have the stars align and have an epic dry fly fishing day. I feel the flows are still high for that, but you never know. Wait ’till them caddis pop. It’s a few weeks behind right now, but man, they’re gonna explode here soon.
Remember, trouts feed about 90 precent of the time sub-surface. Get into their World, and you’ll catch some fish. Truckee River Trouts like it down and dirty. Just the way it is.
Weather is still really nice. Not so hot yet in the afternoons. It’s coming, enjoy the perfect weather for now.
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