Truckee River Fly Fishing Report
Matt Gilligan Koles Reports on 10.27.2016
Kinda the best fall fishing we’ve had in a few years on the Truckee River.
The last few we just haven’t had any water. Dismal to say the least. I was mostly at Pyramid Lake last couple falls because I just didn’t want to shoot fish in a barrel on the river. Other guides were guiding the river, folks were fishing, but I tried to stay away. The moral to this story is that it’s fun to actually have a little water in the river and do some fall fishing again. Fall is the best on the T, the streamer fishing can be good, and everything else too. Pyramid Lake will have to wait for a bit.

So for now, nymph up on most fish. Dry dropper rigs have been really good. Tight line nymphing when you find the right water, and streamer fishing for that big pumpkin spice brown trout. When grandpa said, “bright days, bright flies, dark days, dark flies.” Remember that when you tie your streamer on. Also, blue wings be pop’n this time of year. The Truckee River is really not that great a dry fly fishing river, but fall is a good time to see heads poking up mid-day.
Just a great time to be on the water up here.
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