Truckee Fly Fishing Report
Matt “Gilligan” Koles Reports 9/7/2017

The last hurrah of summer. Hopefully everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend.
A very hot weekend up here in Tahoe/Reno on the Truckee River. I had 2 clinics this weekend, so thanks for everyone that participated. Hopefully you got something out of it.
We can start thinking about fall fishing now. It’s suppose to cool some this week. Highs should be back down in the 70’s. It will not be long until them brown trout start moving around and getting very aggressive. Streamer time. We should have very good flows on the Truckee River this fall. First time in 3 years. So I’m pretty excited about showing folks some very good fall fishing again. I also will be doing a lot more trips down in Nevada again too. Floating/wading whatever. Just waiting for it to cool off more.
So not much change in bugs and things like that/ yet. Cooler weather will get the streamer bite going, and the bite going in general.
I have spots open for the Tight Line Clinic on October 7th. I will do some streamer clinics late fall too. I’m thinking November.
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