Northern California Fly Fishing Report

Dave Neal Reports on 5.28.20
Drop everything and go fishing right now. Throw a dart at the map of NorCal and hit the closest blue line. Everything is fishing well!!
I’ve been mostly fishing the Lower Sac - hard to get away from this river right now. Flows are at 9k and the PMD’s, little yellow stones and caddis hatches are driving the late morning - afternoon fishing. The evenings are also turning on.... the pm sessions should only continue to get better as we enter summer time. Dry fly fishing during caddis events can change the way you look at this river.
Also of note, the Upper Sac, Pit and McCloud River are all fishing well and flows are perfect post runoff. Goldens, salmonfly and the usual suspects of mayflies, midges, small caddis are on the menu. Epic dry fly fishing in the evenings can happen this time year. Get on it soon!!
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