California Surf Fly Fishing Report
Evan Praskin Reports on 5.28.20
What’s up all my surf fishing people! Hope you all are hanging in there through these crazy times. Wanted to get out a quick surf update and let you all know some of the low down for the Monterey Bay beaches. Unfortunately during the last few months rules and regulations were changing back and forth with some false or misleading info mixed in as well. First let’s talk about the fish! The stripers are here and have been for some time, of course during the same time the SIP was ordered. Along with the bass, there has been some very good perch action to fill in the slower days. In general we have had some beautiful weather with very fishable conditions. Typical clouser patterns 4-6” are working for both perch and bass(Chartreuse over white/ blue over white), of course your smaller sand crab imitations are catching fish as well(fish them both!)
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