Yosemite Fly Fishing Report
Rick Mazaira, Yosemite Outfitters
Yosemite Report

Early season fishing has been great with the lower
snow run off in the river systems we have been able to enjoy fishing
larger systems as well as creek and smaller tributaries. Great
opportunity for a short hike, beautiful scenery, no crowds, and great
Tioga Pass is open and full access to the Park has opened up
the higher elevations, though I would suggest that you save that till
later in the year and enjoy the “front country”. Merced is fishing well,
nymphs are the ticket with caddis pupa in the mix.
108 & 120 Corridor are a little turbid but some sections are clear and fishing well.
Lower Rivers

is great for a walk and wade but is not at a high enough level to
float, Hyacinth are present in the lower sections below Turlock Park.
Stanislaus is fair and is best floated.
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