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Trinity River Fly Fishing Trip

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“We’ve got some white Christmas action going on outside” Dick said staring off the front deck. Ken says “I am sick of hearing how cold it’s going to be” as he begins to second guess his packing decisions.

This past week I had the opportunity to fish with a couple of guys who know how to live. With Doug Biederbeck of Bix, Florio, and Market Bar and Dick Sanders of Hayes Street Grill along on the trip the rest of us ate and drank in style. We arrived at the Trinity River cabin that we rented and unloaded neat packages of ingredients and pre-prepared soup and chili for lunch.


Dick whipped up some smoked trout on crackers followed by crab cakes and ceasear salad while Doug was serving up beat downs in dominoes.

We awoke at 5:45am, ready to get out on the water. The early light illuminated that grass between the house and the river… was pure white. It was one of the those fiercely cold and clear days. It’s days like these that I appreciate having the right layering for cold weather fly fishing.


Sky Ranch Boat Ramp


In skinny water rafts sure are the way to go


Somehow the sun is always just right around the corner


BONK*** Hatcho for the grill


Nice Wild Fish


Dick gets a nice one


The release


Ziti - Dick claims the pasta was over cooked and Doug said there was too much sauce. Ken, Dustin, and I thought it was pretty damn good.


The Cabin has three bed rooms and then a bunch room downstairs. I took the bunk room. Could take 8 people comfortably.


F*@!!#G Ice in the guides. Fished 7 weight 9ft 6in Sage Rod.


Water temps were around 40 a little too cold to swing but we sure as hell tried. 45 degrees and above is Ideal for catching fish in the swing.


One can’t help but feel good after a chili lunch on a cold day. Ken, who did not have a commercial kitchen at his disposal picked up a bunch of chili at Harding Park. We re-heated and threw in the thermos for an A+ an easy lunch. 


Blue Heron spooks from it’s perch as we float by.


A low Trinity River is ready for some rain.

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