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Sac, Feather, and Yuba Report

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Hogan Brown Reports on 11.17.2016

Open Dates:
Dec: 17, 21-23, 29-31
Jan: 2, 5-7, 14, 28
Feb: 20

Lower Sac Stripers: Fishing has slowed dramatically but the river is fishable and the big fish are the ones that are eating…I mean really big. This is when you may fish all day for one grab but it will be a true trophy. I fished last week when the weather was warmer and caught plenty of 3-8lb fish and had one monster follow and tail slap a fly on an I-Line. Winter striper fishing on the river can be good or bad just depends on the weather and water

Lower Sacramento River Trout: December is traditionally one of, if not my favorite, month to fish the Sac for trout. Most of the guides and recreational anglers are gone…moving back down south or to the Trinity and while numbers are not huge we do usually catch some of the biggest rainbows of the year. Fishing small and deep is the key and with a poor salmon return it seems this small and deep approach we use in December has already started from what I hear.

Feather River Steelhead: Fishing is pretty workmen like…good numbers no reports of monsters but steady fishing if you can get a clean run and fresh water. Getting fresh water is the biggest issue on the feather. If you are the first one to fish it you will get the fish…if not can be tough.

Lower Yuba River: Lower yuba slowed down with the flow drop as the flows are back down to 775. I am really not a fan of fishing the Yuba at these flows but  good rain can push the flows back up to around a 1000cfs really quick so hopefully, we get some rain soon and that happens.

Butte Creek: Is open and flows are around 150cfs…a good wade fishing flow. There should be some steelhead up in the creek with the good rains we had in October. May get out and check it out this weekend.

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