Russian River Fly Fishing Report
Rob Russell Reports on 1.18.2017

As of this post, rain is falling in the watershed and the river is forecast to begin rising overnight. Flows had dropped and stabilized with a nice green color and 4-5 ft of visibility near Healdsburg, and 2-3 ft near Guerneville. Tonight’s rain will likely make for rising water, followed by poor clarity, until early next week. We should see an increase in action after these next few storms. Late January into February is the peak of the run, with good numbers of wild, and hatchery fish expected soon. Fish have ranged from 4-15lbs this year with many at 10+ lbs. All wild steelhead must be released. Please harvest hatchery steelhead. Comets, Bosses, leeches, and Intruders will all get grabbed. Vary your swing, keep your flies up, and your hooks sharp. Swing, step, repeat… See you out there.

Dates available. Contact with questions or to book- 707-888-2571
Putah Creek- Winter 2018
Putah Creek trout are actively spawning. Please fish elsewhere at this time. Dates available 3/1. 707-888-2571
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