Russian River Fly Fishing Report
Rob Russell Reports on 2.4.2018
The Russian River has dropped to a very fishable level. Anglers are catching big, fresh steelhead. With about 2ft of visibility in the lower river, fishing should improve throughout this next week. The rivermouth is open. Good bank access can be found throughout the lower Russian. All fly fishing techniques can be used, with most anglers choosing to swing flies on sinking shooting heads. Many anglers have also discovered spey and switch rods; favoring them now over single-hand rods. Larger, darker flies are best as the water clears; Intruders, leeches, etc. Look for fish rolling in the early morning and cover as much water as possible to increase your chances of finding them. The weather is perfect! With the Russian clearing and no rain in sight, now may be your best opportunity of the year at a big, bright, coastal steelhead. Just an hour North of S.F.! Contact me today for info or to book a trip. Dates available. 707-888-2571On Instagram @robrussellflyfishing Cheers! - Rob Russell
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