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Pyramid Lake Update

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Lost Coast Outfitters reports on 2.16.17

It seems there’s hope that Pyramid may open sooner rather than later. We’ve heard a few rumors and the following is from a KTVN News report, “Tribe officials hope to have the lake reopened for recreation by April. The council is working on a plan to open with limited access, with details announced at the end of the week.” What, “limited access” means is hard to say, but it’s progress in getting back to our regularly scheduled cutthroat capturing. 

Road repair in the millions of dollars, is underway currently. Again, via KTVN, “Repairs to Sutcliffe Drive are just part of the more than $4 million the tribe needs to complete. That doesn’t include the more than $7 million in damages to SR-446 between Sutcliffe and Nixon. During the flooding in January, the road was either partially or completely washed out in 11 different places. Crews are replacing the surface of the road while adding more, wider drainage pipes. The Nevada Department of Transportation says the work is about 75% complete.”

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