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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

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Richard Loft Reports on 7.24.17

Hi Everyone Richard here– I’m just checking in to keep you informed on what happening and whats not. I stay on the water regardless of the flows mainly because I don’t have many other interests and at pays to fish a lot regardless of the flows. Case in point, I was fishing the Creek recently and hooked what was approximately a 18 to 20 in’ Bow on a flashback–she broke me off when she took air and I got a really good look at her and then she snapped my 4x to my top fly because the bottom fly is almost always on 5x  that was at around 600cfs. That was the second big bow of the day and this was just this last week so there it is there. It kind of comes down to how hard do you want to work for the fish and persistence can pay off if you stay the course. Obviously, most fish have been in the 10 to 13" range with a few a bit larger in the deeper water with suprising results one in a while

But remember we are in July and flows have been between 500 and 700 cfs and I fish a lot matbe 20 to 15 days a month and still have days with no fish or maybe just one. Remember this is not the Truckee or the Little Truckee and it has its own personality and traits that have a lot to do with flows and I am still learning so don’t beat yourself up; its a process so check the flows every time you head out the door to fish the creek and you will be well on your way to understanding what makes it fish well or not.  For example, this last April when I landed well over 20 fish in 3 hours–its a secret what the flows were at,  the flys I  was useing, and where I was fishing. That’s because I always check the flows before I leave the house.

Also today 7/21/17 me and a client fished a ½ day and hooked 4 fish; one in the 18 to 20 in range on   just to hot to land.  Another 16 or 17 was on and off before my client was able to see he was getting a grab, another 2 grabbed with one 13 incher netted; it pays to keep as much of the fly line as you can off the water you get a better drift and you can set much faster if you manage you line well. All in all, you can still catch fish in the summer at the high flows, it just takes more work and patience. The beauty of the Creek is at its peak in the summer and it’s just awesome to be on the water. If you’d like to go on a Half-Day or a Full-Day, drop me a line. Fish on! Richard Loft, 707-294-4738,

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