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McCloud River Fly Fishing Report

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Wildwaters reports on 5.1.19

The Wild Waters Fly Fishing crew was not letting high water conditions spoil our “traditional” trout opener last weekend. Our guides found water to fish and fish to be caught. The snow melt is making it tougher than normal but over the years we have learned where and how to successfully handle these conditions. 

The McCloud River

Although flows were very high, somewhere north of 1100 cfs we were able to get it done. However, they are dropping and today are at 700cfs at Ah Di Nah. You can fish the edges effectively but expect to move around to find good locations.

 If the flows continue to drop many more spots will open up. Hatches are not really kicking in yet but we are seeing Golden Stone nymphs getting ready to join the party. The Conservancy is open and the care taker has set up residency. There is one shaky spot in the road just past the campground where a culvert has washed out but repairs are coming. Remember too the road to Ash Camp is closed just past the dam. You can walk in if you feel inclined or take a mountain bike, scooter, roller skates, etc

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