Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report
Jordan Romney reports on 2.11.2015
Based on the fact that I have been wearing flip flops all week I would say early spring is in the
air. The Yuba has been good to me lately as far as the fishing goes. It isn’t quite in the shape
that I want it but the higher flows look great to me. The water is still colored up with about 2 ft of
visibility in most spots. The water gets a little clearer everyday. If the weather holds next week
should be good out there.
The other day we did pretty well under the indicator. We picked up some fish on a heavy
stonefly nymph, and dark lords. The real producer was a red san juan. Most of the fish we
connected with were in about 4-5 ft of slower moving water. The water temps are cold which
made for a few lethargic fights with the fish we hooked. They looked healthy, I think they are
just a little lazy right now with the cold water. The faster water may be a little too cloudy to find
food and burn calories trying.
There are some skwalas out and a few fish smacking dries on the surface. It has been pretty
inconsistent, I think with the water color and the temps the dry fly hasn’t been as successful.
Give it a few more days to clear and warm up and the fish should be all over it.
I had a little run with bad luck out there over the weekend. Make sure that you do not leave anything valuable in your vehicles. This should go without saying and apply to every river. You are always susceptible to break ins, I have had this happen a few times over the years. Luckily we didn’t have anything of real value to be gained. Just a cold drive home and headache of a new window. I have some open dates next week if you want to hit the river with me. Cheers
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