Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report
Jon Baiocchi Reports on 3.15.2016
I don’t have to tell you that the entire north state got hammered with precipitation and snow. It was so great to the rivers swell up to monstrous proportions, lakes filling up at record speeds, and roads being blown out. Full carnage; just like back in the day. The Lower Yuba got up to 30,784 cubes at 3am on Monday morning at Parks Bar Bridge. I visited the river every day from Friday through Monday and it was a sight to see, with trees, and large willow bushes coming down the currents. The speed of the Lower Yuba was truly impressive, so much mass moving at once! I saw an amazing thing on Sunday, as I got out of the truck, I saw dozens of swallows skimming the coffee colored water and picking off insects, sure enough in a back eddy, I saw a few BWO duns on the surface. Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me. The flows as of 7pm today are at 14,110 cfs. The Lower Yuba will be done for a while, but I’m anxious when it does finally drop to see where the cobblestone and gravel loads ended up. The whole river has been changed, and with the bugs getting hit hard, it’s not pretty. Time heals all wounds, and the Yuba will be back. I’ll now be switching gears and taking my guests up to the Truckee River, and rescheduling trips.

Speaking of the Truckee, I’ve been getting good reports from my buddy and local guide Chris Maher. He and his guests have had some success above the Little Truckee Junction, and down in the canyon. I’m headed up tomorrow for a few trips, and some fishing for myself. The usual is working with worms, stones, small mayfly nymphs, and streamers. On the horizon beginning April 2nd, the Middle Fork Feather River opens from the A-23 Bridge 4 miles east of Portola, down to the Mohawk Bridge for the early Sierra opener. If the flows aren’t too high and the water temps are not too cold, swinging streamers like black woolly buggers, rainbow trout patterns, sculpins, and brown/yellow articulated leeches can catch the bigger fish in the system. It’s not a numbers game by any means, but there is a chance you can hook into a hog.

I have numerous workshops, clinics, and outings coming up on the calendar, as well as two Truckee Tours with “Da Dean of Guides” Frank Pisciotta. You can get all the details, costs, and how to sign up for these informative events by clicking here to the “news” page on my website; http://www.baiocchistroutfitters.com/news/
We received the water we wanted, and there is still time for plenty more. The future
looks bright for this summer as all of our creeks, rivers, and still waters
will be in great shape for fishing, and a little R&R around the campfire.
See ya out there…
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