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Lower Sacramento Fly Fishing Report

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Dave Neal Reports on 8.4.2017

The Lower Sacramento top section “re-opener” was quite the circus August 1st. I’ve never seen so many drift boats on one river.

August 2nd was noticeably less crowded and today (the 3rd) there are even less boats out here now.

Fishing has been great and more enjoyable without the parade.

Even though the fish saw a bit of a break, (it was only closed for 2 months this year) the trout quickly get wise. Having the right flies in the right spots are key to hooking beyond just a few.

Hopefully we can settle in for the summer season with lots of options for floating all the sections of river as boats continue to spread out.  Best times for fishing have been a short window early morning, then all through the afternoon and evening whenever the caddis get active.

The Lower Sac should continue to fish great in August and September with the caddis action driving the fishing - along with some mayfly. Dry fly fishing and swinging caddis emergers is often productive in the evenings during that magic hour at sunset!

David Neal

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