Lower Sac Striper & Shad Report
Hogan Brown Reports on 5.25.2017
Lower Sac Striper Fishing is fair to good. There are still good numbers of migratory stripers in the river from Colusa to Chico. The resident stripers are starting to feed but most big fish are chasing the shad that are in the river in fair numbers. River Clarity is 2+’ and water temps are 60-65. Striper fishing should continue to improve over the next few weeks and really hit the prime season by the first week or two of June.
Lower Sac Shad fishing - There are shad in the river around the Chico area. Both small males and larger females. The higher flows have made it a bit more challenging to find the larger schools but most nights anglers can count on sticking a few fish. On the hotter days the bite has been best once the sun is off the water which means if you get on the water around 5pm pick a bank with shade.
Lower Sac carp, smallies, and largemouth bass are all being caught in the backwaters, flats, and creek mouths…Great time to get on the water for a multi species day.
Open dates:
June 3, 28, 30
July 6, 8, 11, 19, 22, 24, evening half day July 29th
August 19, 26,
Sept 2, 23
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