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Lower Sac Striper Report

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Hogan Brown Report on 9/8/2016

Report: Striper fishing on the Lower Sac has been good. There are good numbers of 18-25" fish that clients are hooking into and plenty of shakers. The bigger fish have been hard to come by as there are still not many salmon in the river to push the bigger fish to the shallows in any numbers. That said there is more and more salmon showing up every day. Striper fishing should last through October and then I will be focusing on the Lower Yuba, Feather, and Lower Sac.

Open dates through the end of the year.

  • Nov 23, 25, 26, 27
  • Dec 3, 17, 19, 21-23, 27-31

I have mostly been trying to take my two boys out fishing. At 6 and 8 years old there is no leaving them home anymore. A good friend of mine told me a story from a recent over night tuna trip he took down south. He said there was a guy on the boat who LOVED fishing and obviously went ALL the time ALL over the world. He brought his 13 and 15 year old sons on their FIRST fishing trip with him this time though. My buddy said the two teens could of cared less. They spent all their time glued to cell phones, I Pads, even reading books (which I have no problem with), in the end they could of cared less about fishing or hanging with their dad….my buddy was with his 14 year old son who has gone on fishing and hunting trips sense he could barely walk. This guy was blown away by how close my buddy and his son were and how much his sone loved fishing and the outdoors….The moral of the story, and one that I already knew to be honest, was share what you love with your kids. About a year ago I stopped really going fishing on my own…I still get out occasionally, but mostly I am guiding or taking my kids fishing. I get to fish a bit on these outings on occasion, but the goal of any trip now is stoking my kids out on fishing and being on the river….weather that is swimming, fly fishing, throwing rocks, or throwing swim baits on spinning rods.


My boys have honestly caught more bass and stripers this summer then I have, I believe though that I am investing in future fishing buddies and sharing what I love with my own kids so they grow to appreciate the outdoors and the rivers that flow through it. At some point they may not want to go fishing or may not take to it like i have but they will appreciate, be willing to share it with me hopefully to some degree, and most importantly be interested in the outdoors more then things with screens….I saw a post on instagram recently that said no one ever grows up and is bummed they didn’t play enough video games. Share what you love people. If you have kids take them fishing, don’t wait until they are “old enough” they are never to young to get outdoors.


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