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Lower Sac Striper Report

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Hogan Brown Reports on 10.13.2016

Fishing has been picking up with a bit warmer water temps (59-61) everything could change starting thursday as the weather is going to change with a storm moving in to the North State. I am sure ounce the storm moves through and the weather stabilizes again fishing should pick back up. Best fishing has been during the later part of the day ounce water temps warm up. Most fish are in the shallows feeding for the coming winter and are nice and fat! Average fish seems to be about 5-8lbs with a few in the 10-15lb range showing. I have been on the river 2 days this in the last 4 days but with the storm moving in I will be moving to the Lower Sac, Feather, or Yuba which I hear are all fishing good.

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