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Lower Sac, Feather and Yuba River Fly Fishing Report

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Hogan Brown reports on 2.9.17

I am not going to dress it up…there isn’t a lot going on fishing wise. The Sac, Feather, and Yuba are ripping and flooding in some areas with the latest rain and there is more rain to come…. Personally, I haven’t been out on the water in over a month. Some of my buddies and fellow guides have been getting some days in on the Coast steelhead fishing between storms, some have gotten a few days here and there on the Trinity, and there has been some windows to get out spotted bass fishing on Lake Oroville but I haven’t done any of those…….So what have I been doing well…tying flies, playing music, hanging out with family, working on Cast Hope stuff, making sourdough bread from scratch…indoor activities.

Cast Hope wise, I have been rounding up auction items for the Fly Fishing Show After Party and working on planning that event and a few other Big Events we have coming up this year…as these events grow they really require year round work, preparing, planning, and organizing. The After Party on Feb 25th is once again after the Fly Fishing Show in Pleasanton at Handles Gastro Pub in Old Town Pleasanton. 855 Main St. Pleasanton from 5-8:30pm. Tickets are $20 and include all the beer you can drink and Sliders and Wings. We will have a FULL Raffle (usually our best of the year) and a silent auction that is as good as any we host. Many of the auction items are already up on our website to bid on - - There are trips to AK, Guided Trips, Rods, and Warriors Tickets up NOW to bid on.

The Yuba Jubilee is coming up February 18th, 2017 from 1-4pm at Hammon Grove on the Yuba River. The Jubilee will showcase guides, clubs, fly shops, environmental groups, and state agencies that all working hard to protect the wild populations of salmon, steelhead, and trout making the Lower Yuba River the best it can be. I will be there with my good buddy and fellow guide Chuck Ragan ( working the “Hogan Brown Fly Fishing” and “Cast Hope” booths. I will have free stickers and some schwag at both booths as well as some hand tied flies at my guide both for sale. I can’t think of the last time I have tied flies for sale so this is a special opportunity to get some of my patterns that are not in production as well as some that are. All reasonably priced…normal fly prices.

The Fly Fishing Show Feb 25th – I will be at the Cast Hope booth and if I have any flies left over I will have a few to sell or trade for various cool stuff…bobble heads, baked good, burned CD’s of moderate passed rock music, Americana, aka music I may like as…I will also be helping with the After Part mentioned above.

Capt. Hogan Brown

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