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Lower Sac and Yuba Fly Fishing Report

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Hogan Brown Reports on 1.3.17

Lower Sac has been tough…Pays to be patient though as the fish we are catching are really good fish just not many hook ups. Though that is pretty standard for the winter. I have not been on the river since the flows dropped again from 10,000cfs so that may kick things back into gear but the cold weather can’t help either so who knows what is going to happen. It is the Sac though so there are always trophies around and any day the fish can turn on.

Lower Yuba is at a great flow!!!! 1800cfs is awesome. Fishing has been hit and miss as the weather has literally been freezing with foothill snow and cold air temps. I would get out and fish the Yuba when you can here as once it warms and all that low elevation snow melts the Yuba may get muddy and blow out again.

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