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Lower Sac and Feather River Fly Fishing Report

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Hogan Brown Reports on 4.20.2016

Lower Sac

Striper fishing - Fishing lower in the river by Colusa is good. There are large schools of migratory fish around and of course there are crowds. Crowds like most of us can not imagine. I personally stay away with regards to guiding but if you want to get out and catch some fish for the cooler or can handle the chaos it can be a good day. There are a few fish around up out of chico but nothing that would constitute good fishing. Most of the resident fish are in spawn mode or hard to find as the weeds have not come up yet.

Carp - There are a few carp waking up in the back waters and we have had MANY shots at some really nice fish but as always they are fussy and have commitment issues.

Largemouth and Smallmouth - both are starting to wake up and get active but are still a few weeks away from really getting going.

Shad - I have not heard any reports but there the first few flocks of pelicans around and the cotton wood is falling so should be any time.

Feather River

Spring steelhead fishing is good. April is the prime month for good numbers of half pounders and a few adult spring fish. Fishing remains good for nymph fishermen and swung fly fishermen. The great thing about these fish is they will hit a swung just as well as nymphs so pick how you want to fish. Lots of options for these fish and how you want to target.

Capt. Hogan Brown

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