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Feather River Fly Fishing Report

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Brian Clemens reports on 5.17.18


Low Flow 850cfsHigh Flow 1050cfsClarity Low Flow 8-10ft vizHigh Flow 10-12ft vizFishing GoodI have been spending a good amount of time on the Feather up until the shad and striper started showing up, but also because the Feather started slowing down. But since then, a push of big grease lightning springers have shown up and reeking havoc on our flies. Swinging has been darn good, and of course nymphing is kicking butt, and if you are out late enough the dry fly fishing is pretty darn good too. Don’t know how long this will last, but now is the time to experience this late run. The coolest thing is depending on the day, cloud cover and hatches, swinging is out producing the bobber, how cool is that. This should fish good for another few weeks, and then slow down till the salmon season opens on July 15th, then its salmon time. Nymphs Princes, Caddis, Worms, Sucker Spawns, Mays, CJs, PTS
Swinging Andersons Euphoria, Thalkens Tiny Dancer, Princes, tan soft hackles, tan caddisGuides Tip Place to be right now for your steelhead fix


Starting this year I will be guiding the Feather River for salmon. We will be using conventional tackle to hook into these bruisers which on average weight 10-25lbs, with many fish over 25lbs. These trips will be the same as I do now, no charters with 6-10 anglers, the normal 2 anglers and myself, however a 3rd angler can be added with an additional charge. 3 anglers, is not something I normally do, but there will be plenty of room for 3 on the new boat. The Salmon season starts July 15th and ends Oct 15th, personally July to the end of Sept are the best months to get these fish for eating. If you are interested in booking your Salmon Trip, book now while dates are still open.

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