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Skeena Steelhead

Anglers Book Supply

Skeena Steelhead

$ 34.95

SKU 33790

Skeena Steelhead is a story of one of the world's premiere freshwater game fish. You won't find tales of heroic struggles with world-record summer steelhead. Instead you'll see the events that have conspired to imperil an internationally renowned treasure.

The story begins with the Skeena steelhead biology and life history. First Nations fisheries are studied. Commercial fisheries that began 135 years ago are described in detail, showing their cumulative impact on homeward-bound Skeena steelhead. This tragic story could only be told by someone firmly entrenched in the river's fisheries management community. Before his retirement, Bob Hooton was in charge of steelhead management on the Skeena and continues to be an inspirational defender of the Skeena's steelhead.

The situation is not hopeless, the Skeena's remarkable steelhead runs can be restored. In Skeena Steelhead Bob Hooton shows us how we can and, more importantly, why we must.