$ 99.95
SKU 9976Fly anglers are nothing if not inventive. From splicing together lines to weighing coils on a digital scale, finding the perfect sinking line can be a chore. The SONAR Tropical Custom Tip sinking fly line makes all of that much, much easier. This cut-to-fit fly line allows you to slice off as much line as you need to fit everything from a 7-weight through a 15-weight.
GRAIN: 462/cut 0’ (12-15 wt) | GRAIN: 352/cut 8’ (9-11 wt) |
GRAIN: 451/cut 1’ (10-13 wt) | GRAIN: 338/cut 9’ (8-11 wt) |
GRAIN: 437/cut 2’ (10-13 wt) | GRAIN: 324/cut 10’ (8-11 wt) |
GRAIN: 423/cut 3’ (10-13 wt) | GRAIN: 310/cut 11’ (8-9 wt) |
GRAIN: 409/cut 4’ (9-12 wt) | GRAIN: 296/cut 12’ (8-9 wt) |
GRAIN: 395/cut 5’ (9-12 wt) | GRAIN: 282/cut 13’ (8-9 wt) |
GRAIN: 380/cut 6’ (9-11 wt) | GRAIN: 268/cut 14’ (7-9 wt) |
GRAIN: 366/cut 7’ (9-11 wt) | GRAIN: 254/cut 15’ (7-8 wt) |