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Sage Trout Spey HD Fly Rod

Sage Fly Rods

Sage Trout Spey HD Fly Rod

$ 1,050.00

SKU 10135
11'3" 4wt 4113-4
11'0" 3wt 3110-4
11'6" 5wt 5116-4
Swinging flies is simply more fun with two-hands, and the lineup of TROUT SPEY HD rods is a testament to that. Soft hackles with the 1109-4 are an absolute treat, and heavy sink tips and water-logged sculpin flies are no match for the 4116-4 on a short Skagit head. When down-and-across is the play, reach for the TROUT SPEY HD.
  • Swinging flies for trout
  • Tailored to the latest developments in Trout Spey lines
  • Ease of casting streamers

Featuring KonneticHD technology and a new fast action, the TROUT SPEY HD series of rods bring ease to lightweight spey techniques. Five rods from 10’3” to 11’3” excel with a variety of spey lines that are currently offered in 175-350gr sizes. The TROUT SPEY HD rods are primarily designed for spey casting as opposed to Switch rod style actions previously captured within Sage's Trout Spey category, and features an action designed for skagit and scandi style casting techniques with trout appropriate sized flies.

The TROUT SPEY HD action will improve upon the application with a more stable tip (a balance between stability and tippet protection) and a power adjustment to better handle Trout Spey specific lines currently on the market and the trend toward heavier lines. The added models in the series will give anglers more options to select appropriate sizes for their fishery (fly size, fish size, and environment), with a smaller 10’3” 3wt model designed to work well with the shorter spey heads that are extremely popular today. The two handed short-rod, short-head combination allows anglers to retrieve and fish flies much closer, opening up possibilities in tighter quarters and the ability to cover water more effectively.

Undeniably Trout Focused, Undeniably Fun.