$ 5.85
SKU AF-13195Rob Crandall lives in Portland, Oregon, where he operates Water Time Outfitters, which offers guided fishing trips on the Deschutes River for trout and steelhead, as well as guided fly fishing for steelhead on the Clackamas, NF Nehalem, Trask and Oregon Coast rivers in the winter. It is on these rivers that Rob designed and developed his fish-catching patterns. He grew up on the banks of the Clackamas River and has been a licensed Oregon fishing guide since 1992. Rob is also the past editor of Flyfishing & Tying Journal magazine.
Rob Crandall on the Steelhead Nightmare: I had the hardest time turning this fly over to the commercial side. One of the best color combinations for steelhead anywhere, this pattern has been a top producer for all of the guides at Water Time Outfitters for many years. Last year it was responsible for many steelies — including a good number of fish over 40 inches. This fly is also the star of the show in the DVD Winter Spey Strategies. An excellent pattern in the NW and a sure home run for anglers headed to BC. This one is a proven winner!
It is tied with a stinger style hook to maximize hookups on fussy fish. Black and red are great colors for steelies add in the white lead eye and there is a definite color contrast and eye grabber for steelies.