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Fly Fisher's Guide to Colorado
Fly Fisher's Guide to Colorado
Fly Fisher's Guide to Colorado

Anglers Book Supply

Fly Fisher's Guide to Colorado

$ 29.95

SKU 748
The Flyfisher's Guide to Colorado covers all of the rivers and lakes of this great fishing state. Marty covers each river in detail with how to fish the water, the best times, a list of go-to flies, hatch charts, and the best times to fish each water. All of the major waters are covered including South Platte, Cache la Poudre, Arkansas, Big Thompson, Rio Grande, Gunnison, Taylor, East Uncompahgre, Dolores, San Miguel, Los Pinos, Piedra, San Juan, Colorado, Fraser, Blue, Eagle, Roaring Fork, Frying Pan, Yampa, White, North Platte, Laramie, and many others. He also covers the creeks: St.Vrain, Muddy, Gore, Clear Fork and many more. Marty also covers the lakes and reservoirs including Steamboat, Lake John, Horse Tooth, Pueblo, Grand Mesa Lakes, and many more. There is travel information for all of the destinations, with a listing of fly shops, sporting good stores, accommodations, restaurants, campgrounds, car repair, airports and more. Marty lists his top ten flies for fishing Colorado. There are 87 detailed river and lake maps showing access, boat ramps, river miles, campsites, roads, and public lands.